Source code for deepcpg.models.utils

"""Functions for building, training, and loading models.

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from os import path as pt

from keras import backend as K
from keras import models as km
from keras import layers as kl
from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .. import data as dat
from .. import evaluation as ev
from import hdf, OUTPUT_SEP
from import int_to_onehot
from ..utils import to_list

[docs]class ScaledSigmoid(kl.Layer): """Scaled sigmoid activation function. Scales the maximum of the sigmoid function from one to the provided value. Parameters ---------- scaling: float Maximum of sigmoid function. """ def __init__(self, scaling=1.0, **kwargs): self.supports_masking = True self.scaling = scaling super(ScaledSigmoid, self).__init__(**kwargs) def call(self, x, mask=None): return K.sigmoid(x) * self.scaling def get_config(self): config = {'scaling': self.scaling} base_config = super(ScaledSigmoid, self).get_config() return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))
CUSTOM_OBJECTS = {'ScaledSigmoid': ScaledSigmoid}
[docs]def get_first_conv_layer(layers, get_act=False): """Return the first convolutional layers in a stack of layer. Parameters ---------- layers: list List of Keras layers. get_act: bool Return the activation layer after the convolutional weight layer. Returns ------- Keras layer Convolutional layer or tuple of convolutional layer and activation layer if `get_act=True`. """ conv_layer = None act_layer = None for layer in layers: if isinstance(layer, kl.Conv1D) and layer.input_shape[-1] == 4: conv_layer = layer if not get_act: break elif conv_layer and isinstance(layer, kl.Activation): act_layer = layer break if not conv_layer: raise ValueError('Convolutional layer not found') if get_act: if not act_layer: raise ValueError('Activation layer not found') return (conv_layer, act_layer) else: return conv_layer
[docs]def get_sample_weights(y, class_weights=None): """Compute sample weights for model training. Computes sample weights given a vector of output labels `y`. Sets weights of samples without label (`CPG_NAN`) to zero. Parameters ---------- y: :class:`numpy.ndarray` 1d numpy array of output labels. class_weights: dict Weight of output classes, e.g. methylation states. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Sample weights of size `y`. """ y = y[:] sample_weights = np.ones(y.shape, dtype=K.floatx()) sample_weights[y == dat.CPG_NAN] = K.epsilon() if class_weights is not None: for cla, weight in class_weights.items(): sample_weights[y == cla] = weight return sample_weights
[docs]def save_model(model, model_file, weights_file=None): """Save Keras model to file. If `model_file` ends with '.h5', saves model description and model weights in HDF5 file. Otherwise, saves JSON model description in `model_file` and model weights in `weights_file` if provided. Parameters ---------- model Keras model. model_file: str Output file. weights_file: str Weights file. """ if pt.splitext(model_file)[1] == '.h5': else: with open(model_file, 'w') as f: f.write(model.to_json()) if weights_file is not None: model.save_weights(weights_file, overwrite=True)
[docs]def search_model_files(dirname): """Search model files in given directory. Parameters ---------- dirname: str Directory name Returns ------- Model JSON file and weights if existing, otherwise HDF5 file. None if no model files could be found. """ json_file = pt.join(dirname, 'model.json') if pt.isfile(json_file): order = ['model_weights.h5', 'model_weights_val.h5', 'model_weights_train.h5'] for name in order: filename = pt.join(dirname, name) if pt.isfile(filename): return [json_file, filename] elif pt.isfile(pt.join(dirname, 'model.h5')): return pt.join(dirname, 'model.h5') else: return None
[docs]def load_model(model_files, custom_objects=CUSTOM_OBJECTS, log=None): """Load Keras model from a list of model files. Loads Keras model from list of filenames, e.g. from `search_model_files`. `model_files` can be single HDF5 file, or JSON and weights file. Parameters ---------- model_file: list Input model file names. custom_object: dict Custom objects for loading models that were trained with custom objects, e.g. `ScaledSigmoid`. Returns ------- Keras model. """ if not isinstance(model_files, list): model_files = [model_files] if pt.isdir(model_files[0]): model_files = search_model_files(model_files[0]) if model_files is None: raise ValueError('No model found in "%s"!' % model_files[0]) if log: log('Using model files %s' % ' '.join(model_files)) if pt.splitext(model_files[0])[1] == '.h5': model = km.load_model(model_files[0], custom_objects=custom_objects) else: with open(model_files[0], 'r') as f: model = model = km.model_from_json(model, custom_objects=custom_objects) if len(model_files) > 1: model.load_weights(model_files[1]) return model
[docs]def get_objectives(output_names): """Return training objectives for a list of output names. Returns ------- dict dict with `output_names` as keys and the name of the assigned Keras objective as values. """ objectives = dict() for output_name in output_names: _output_name = output_name.split(OUTPUT_SEP) if _output_name[0] in ['bulk']: objective = 'mean_squared_error' elif _output_name[-1] in ['mean', 'var']: objective = 'mean_squared_error' elif _output_name[-1] in ['cat_var']: objective = 'categorical_crossentropy' else: objective = 'binary_crossentropy' objectives[output_name] = objective return objectives
[docs]def add_output_layers(stem, output_names, init='glorot_uniform'): """Add and return outputs to a given layer. Adds output layer for each output in `output_names` to layer `stem`. Parameters ---------- stem: Keras layer Keras layer to which output layers are added. output_names: list List of output names. Returns ------- list Output layers added to `stem`. """ outputs = [] for output_name in output_names: _output_name = output_name.split(OUTPUT_SEP) if _output_name[-1] in ['entropy']: x = kl.Dense(1, kernel_initializer=init, activation='relu')(stem) elif _output_name[-1] in ['var']: x = kl.Dense(1, kernel_initializer=init)(stem) x = ScaledSigmoid(0.251, name=output_name)(x) elif _output_name[-1] in ['cat_var']: x = kl.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=init, activation='softmax', name=output_name)(stem) else: x = kl.Dense(1, kernel_initializer=init, activation='sigmoid', name=output_name)(stem) outputs.append(x) return outputs
[docs]def predict_generator(model, generator, nb_sample=None): """Predict model outputs using generator. Calls `model.predict` for at most `nb_sample` samples from `generator`. Parameters ---------- model: Keras model Model to be evaluated. generator: generator Data generator. nb_sample: int Maximum number of samples. Returns ------- list list [`inputs`, `outputs`, `predictions`]. """ data = None nb_seen = 0 for data_batch in generator: if not isinstance(data_batch, list): data_batch = list(data_batch) if nb_sample: # Reduce batch size if needed nb_left = nb_sample - nb_seen for data_item in data_batch: for key, value in data_item.items(): data_item[key] = data_item[key][:nb_left] preds = model.predict(data_batch[0]) if not isinstance(preds, list): preds = [preds] preds = {name: pred for name, pred in zip(model.output_names, preds)} if not data: data = [dict() for i in range(len(data_batch))] dat.add_to_dict(preds, data[0]) for i in range(1, len(data_batch)): dat.add_to_dict(data_batch[i], data[i]) nb_seen += len(list(preds.values())[0]) if nb_sample and nb_seen >= nb_sample: break for i in range(len(data)): data[i] = dat.stack_dict(data[i]) return data
[docs]def evaluate_generator(model, generator, return_data=False, *args, **kwargs): """Evaluate model on generator. Uses `predict_generator` to obtain predictions and `ev.evaluate` to evaluate predictions. Parameters ---------- model Model to be evaluated. generator Data generator. return_rate: bool Return predictions and labels. *args: list Unnamed arguments passed to `predict_generator`. *kwargs: dict Named arguments passed to `predict_generator`. Returns ------- If `return_data=False`, pandas data frame with performance metrics. If `return_data=True`, tuple (`perf`, `data`) with performance metrics `perf` and `data`. """ data = predict_generator(model, generator, *args, **kwargs) perf = [] for output in model.output_names: tmp = ev.evaluate(data[1][output], data[0][output]) perf.append(pd.DataFrame(tmp, index=[output])) perf = pd.concat(perf) if return_data: return (perf, data) else: return perf
[docs]def read_from(reader, nb_sample=None): """Read `nb_sample` samples from `reader`.""" data = None nb_seen = 0 for data_batch in reader: if not isinstance(data_batch, list): data_batch = list(data_batch) if not data: data = [dict() for i in range(len(data_batch))] for i in range(len(data_batch)): dat.add_to_dict(data_batch[i], data[i]) nb_seen += len(list(data_batch[0].values())[0]) if nb_sample and nb_seen >= nb_sample: break for i in range(len(data)): data[i] = dat.stack_dict(data[i]) if nb_sample: for key, value in data[i].items(): data[i][key] = value[:nb_sample] return data
[docs]def copy_weights(src_model, dst_model, must_exist=True): """Copy weights from `src_model` to `dst_model`. Parameters ---------- src_model Keras source model. dst_model Keras destination model. must_exist: bool If `True`, raises `ValueError` if a layer in `dst_model` does not exist in `src_model`. Returns ------- list Names of layers that were copied. """ copied = [] for dst_layer in dst_model.layers: for src_layer in src_model.layers: if == break if not src_layer: if must_exist: tmp = 'Layer "%s" not found!' % ( raise ValueError(tmp) else: continue dst_layer.set_weights(src_layer.get_weights()) copied.append( return copied
[docs]class Model(object): """Abstract model call. Abstract class of DNA, CpG, and Joint models. Parameters ---------- dropout: float Dropout rate. l1_decay: float L1 weight decay. l2_decay: float L2 weight decay. init: str Name of Keras initialization. """ def __init__(self, dropout=0.0, l1_decay=0.0, l2_decay=0.0, init='glorot_uniform'): self.dropout = dropout self.l1_decay = l1_decay self.l2_decay = l2_decay self.init = init = self.__class__.__name__ self.scope = None
[docs] def inputs(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return list of Keras model inputs.""" pass
def _build(self, input, output): """Build final model at the end of `__call__`.""" model = km.Model(input, output, if self.scope: for layer in model.layers: if layer not in model.input_layers: = '%s/%s' % (self.scope, return model def __call__(self, inputs=None): """Build model. Parameters ---------- inputs: list Keras model inputs """ pass
[docs]def encode_replicate_names(replicate_names): """Encode list of replicate names as single string. .. note:: Deprecated This function is used to support legacy models and will be removed in the future. """ return '--'.join(replicate_names)
[docs]def decode_replicate_names(replicate_names): """Decode string of replicate names and return names as list. .. note:: Deprecated This function is used to support legacy models and will be removed in the future. """ return replicate_names.split('--')
[docs]class DataReader(object): """Read data from `` output files. Generator to read data batches from `` output files. Reads data using :func:`hdf.reader` and pre-processes data. Parameters ---------- output_names: list Names of outputs to be read. use_dna: bool If `True`, read DNA sequence windows. dna_wlen: int Maximum length of DNA sequence windows. replicate_names: list Name of cells (profiles) whose neighboring CpG sites are read. cpg_wlen: int Maximum number of neighboring CpG sites. cpg_max_dist: int Value to threshold the distance of neighboring CpG sites. encode_replicates: bool If `True`, encode replicated names in key of returned dict. This option is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Returns ------- tuple `dict` (`inputs`, `outputs`, `weights`), where `inputs`, `outputs`, `weights` is a `dict` of model inputs, outputs, and output weights. `outputs` and `weights` are not returned if `output_names` is undefined. """ def __init__(self, output_names=None, use_dna=True, dna_wlen=None, replicate_names=None, cpg_wlen=None, cpg_max_dist=25000, encode_replicates=False): self.output_names = to_list(output_names) self.use_dna = use_dna self.dna_wlen = dna_wlen self.replicate_names = to_list(replicate_names) self.cpg_wlen = cpg_wlen self.cpg_max_dist = cpg_max_dist self.encode_replicates = encode_replicates def _prepro_dna(self, dna): """Preprocess DNA sequence windows. Slices DNA sequence window if `self.dna_wlen` is defined and one-hot encodes sequences. Parameters ---------- dna: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :class:`numpy.ndarray` of size [nb_window, window_len] with integer sequences windows. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` :class:`numpy.ndarray` of size [nb_window, window_len, 4] with one-hot encoded sequences. """ if self.dna_wlen: cur_wlen = dna.shape[1] center = cur_wlen // 2 delta = self.dna_wlen // 2 dna = dna[:, (center - delta):(center + delta + 1)] return int_to_onehot(dna) def _prepro_cpg(self, states, dists): """Preprocess the state and distance of neighboring CpG sites. Parameters ---------- states: list List of CpG states of all replicates. dists: list List of CpG distances of all replicates. Returns ------- prepro_states: list List of preprocessed CpG states of all replicates. prepro_dists: list List of preprocessed CpG distances of all replicates. """ prepro_states = [] prepro_dists = [] for state, dist in zip(states, dists): nan = state == dat.CPG_NAN if np.any(nan): # Set CpG neighbors at the flanks of a chromosome to 0.5 state[nan] = 0.5 dist[nan] = self.cpg_max_dist dist = np.minimum(dist, self.cpg_max_dist) / self.cpg_max_dist prepro_states.append(np.expand_dims(state, 1)) prepro_dists.append(np.expand_dims(dist, 1)) prepro_states = np.concatenate(prepro_states, axis=1) prepro_dists = np.concatenate(prepro_dists, axis=1) if self.cpg_wlen: center = prepro_states.shape[2] // 2 delta = self.cpg_wlen // 2 tmp = slice(center - delta, center + delta) prepro_states = prepro_states[:, :, tmp] prepro_dists = prepro_dists[:, :, tmp] return (prepro_states, prepro_dists) @dat.threadsafe_generator def __call__(self, data_files, class_weights=None, *args, **kwargs): """Return generator for reading data from `data_files`. Parameters ---------- data_files: list List of data files to be read. class_weights: dict dict of dict with class weights of individual outputs. *args: list Unnamed arguments passed to :func:`hdf.reader` *kwargs: dict Named arguments passed to :func:`hdf.reader` Returns ------- generator Python generator for reading data. """ names = [] if self.use_dna: names.append('inputs/dna') if self.replicate_names: for name in self.replicate_names: names.append('inputs/cpg/%s/state' % name) names.append('inputs/cpg/%s/dist' % name) if self.output_names: for name in self.output_names: names.append('outputs/%s' % name) for data_raw in hdf.reader(data_files, names, *args, **kwargs): inputs = dict() if self.use_dna: inputs['dna'] = self._prepro_dna(data_raw['inputs/dna']) if self.replicate_names: states = [] dists = [] for name in self.replicate_names: tmp = 'inputs/cpg/%s/' % name states.append(data_raw[tmp + 'state']) dists.append(data_raw[tmp + 'dist']) states, dists = self._prepro_cpg(states, dists) if self.encode_replicates: # DEPRECATED: to support loading data for legacy models tmp = '/' + encode_replicate_names(self.replicate_names) else: tmp = '' inputs['cpg/state%s' % tmp] = states inputs['cpg/dist%s' % tmp] = dists if not self.output_names: yield inputs else: outputs = dict() weights = dict() for name in self.output_names: outputs[name] = data_raw['outputs/%s' % name] cweights = class_weights[name] if class_weights else None weights[name] = get_sample_weights(outputs[name], cweights) if name.endswith('cat_var'): output = outputs[name] outputs[name] = to_categorical(output, 3) outputs[name][output == dat.CPG_NAN] = 0 yield (inputs, outputs, weights)
[docs]def data_reader_from_model(model, outputs=True, replicate_names=None): """Return :class:`DataReader` from `model`. Builds a :class:`DataReader` for reading data for `model`. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`Model`. :class:`Model`. outputs: bool If `True`, return output labels. replicate_names: list Name of input cells of `model`. Returns ------- :class:`DataReader` Instance of :class:`DataReader`. """ use_dna = False dna_wlen = None cpg_wlen = None output_names = None encode_replicates = False input_shapes = to_list(model.input_shape) for input_name, input_shape in zip(model.input_names, input_shapes): if input_name == 'dna': # Read DNA sequences. use_dna = True dna_wlen = input_shape[1] elif input_name.startswith('cpg/state/'): # DEPRECATED: legacy model. Decode replicate names from input name. replicate_names = decode_replicate_names( input_name.replace('cpg/state/', '')) assert len(replicate_names) == input_shape[1] cpg_wlen = input_shape[2] encode_replicates = True elif input_name == 'cpg/state': # Read neighboring CpG sites. if not replicate_names: raise ValueError('Replicate names required!') if len(replicate_names) != input_shape[1]: tmp = '{r} replicates found but CpG model was trained with' \ ' {s} replicates. Use `--nb_replicate {s}` or ' \ ' `--replicate_names` option to select {s} replicates!' tmp = tmp.format(r=len(replicate_names), s=input_shape[1]) raise ValueError(tmp) cpg_wlen = input_shape[2] if outputs: # Return output labels. output_names = model.output_names return DataReader(output_names=output_names, use_dna=use_dna, dna_wlen=dna_wlen, cpg_wlen=cpg_wlen, replicate_names=replicate_names, encode_replicates=encode_replicates)