Source code for deepcpg.utils

"""General-purpose functions."""

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import re
import six
from six.moves import range

import numpy as np

EPS = 10e-8

[docs]def make_dir(dirname): """Create directory `dirname` if non-existing. Parameters ---------- dirname: str Path of directory to be created. Returns ------- bool `True`, if directory did not exist and was created. """ if os.path.exists(dirname): return False else: os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) return True
[docs]def slice_dict(data, idx): """Slice elements in dict `data` by `idx`. Slices array-like objects in `data` by index `idx`. `data` can be tree-like with sub-dicts, where the leafs must be sliceable by `idx`. Parameters ---------- data: dict dict to be sliced. idx: slice Slice index. Returns ------- dict dict with same elements as in `data` with sliced by `idx`. """ if isinstance(data, dict): data_sliced = dict() for key, value in six.iteritems(data): data_sliced[key] = slice_dict(value, idx) return data_sliced else: return data[idx]
[docs]def fold_dict(data, nb_level=10**5): """Fold dict `data`. Turns dictionary keys, e.g. 'level1/level2/level3', into sub-dicts, e.g. data['level1']['level2']['level3']. Parameters ---------- data: dict dict to be folded. nb_level: int Maximum recursion depth. Returns ------- dict Folded dict. """ if nb_level <= 0: return data groups = dict() levels = set() for key, value in data.items(): idx = key.find('/') if idx > 0: level = key[:idx] group_dict = groups.setdefault(level, dict()) group_dict[key[(idx + 1):]] = value levels.add(level) else: groups[key] = value for level in levels: groups[level] = fold_dict(groups[level], nb_level - 1) return groups
[docs]def linear_weights(length, start=0.1): """Create linear-triangle weights. Create array `x` of length `length` with linear weights, where the weight is highest (one) for the center x[length//2] and lowest (`start` ) at the ends x[0] and x[-1]. Parameters ---------- length: int Length of the weight array. start: float Minimum weights. Returns ------- :class:`np.ndarray` Array of length `length` with weight. """ weights = np.linspace(start, 1, np.ceil(length / 2)) tmp = weights if length % 2: tmp = tmp[:-1] weights = np.hstack((weights, tmp[::-1])) return weights
[docs]def to_list(value): """Convert `value` to a list.""" if not isinstance(value, list) and value is not None: value = [value] return value
[docs]def move_columns_front(frame, columns): """Move `columns` of Pandas DataFrame to the front.""" if not isinstance(columns, list): columns = [columns] columns = [column for column in columns if column in frame.columns] return frame[columns + list(frame.columns[~frame.columns.isin(columns)])]
[docs]def get_from_module(identifier, module_params, ignore_case=True): """Return object from module. Return object with name `identifier` from module with items `module_params`. Parameters ---------- identifier: str Name of object, e.g. a function, in module. module_params: dict `dict` of items in module, e.g. `globals()` ignore_case: bool If `True`, ignore case of `identifier`. Returns ------- object Object with name `identifier` in module, e.g. a function or class. """ if ignore_case: _module_params = dict() for key, value in six.iteritems(module_params): _module_params[key.lower()] = value _identifier = identifier.lower() else: _module_params = module_params _identifier = identifier item = _module_params.get(_identifier) if not item: raise ValueError('Invalid identifier "%s"!' % identifier) return item
[docs]def format_table_row(values, widths=None, sep=' | '): """Format a row with `values` of a table.""" if widths: _values = [] for value, width in zip(values, widths): if value is None: value = '' _values.append('{0:>{1}s}'.format(value, width)) return sep.join(_values)
[docs]def format_table(table, colwidth=None, precision=2, header=True, sep=' | '): """Format a table of values as string. Formats a table represented as a `dict` with keys as column headers and values as a lists of values in each column. Parameters ---------- table: `dict` or `OrderedDict` `dict` or `OrderedDict` with keys as column headers and values as lists of values in each column. precision: int or list of ints Precision of floating point values in each column. If `int`, uses same precision for all columns, otherwise formats columns with different precisions. header: bool If `True`, print column names. sep: str Column separator. Returns ------- str String of formatted table values. """ col_names = list(table.keys()) if not isinstance(precision, list): precision = [precision] * len(col_names) col_widths = [] tot_width = 0 nb_row = None ftable = OrderedDict() for col_idx, col_name in enumerate(col_names): width = max(len(col_name), precision[col_idx] + 2) values = [] for value in table[col_name]: if value is None: value = '' elif isinstance(value, float): value = '{0:.{1}f}'.format(value, precision[col_idx]) else: value = str(value) width = max(width, len(value)) values.append(value) ftable[col_name] = values col_widths.append(width) if not nb_row: nb_row = len(values) else: nb_row = max(nb_row, len(values)) tot_width += width tot_width += len(sep) * (len(col_widths) - 1) rows = [] if header: rows.append(format_table_row(col_names, col_widths, sep=sep)) rows.append('-' * tot_width) for row in range(nb_row): values = [] for col_values in six.itervalues(ftable): if row < len(col_values): values.append(col_values[row]) else: values.append(None) rows.append(format_table_row(values, col_widths, sep=sep)) return '\n'.join(rows)
[docs]def filter_regex(values, regexs): """Filters list of `values` by list of `regexs`. Paramters --------- values: list list of `str` values. regexs: list list of `str` regexs. Returns ------- list Sorted `list` of values in `values` that match any regex in `regexs`. """ if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] if not isinstance(regexs, list): regexs = [regexs] filtered = set() for value in values: for regex in regexs: if, value): filtered.add(value) return sorted(list(filtered))
[docs]class ProgressBar(object): """Vertical progress bar. Unlike the progressbar2 package, logs progress as multiple lines instead of single line, which enables printing to a file. Used, for example, in Parameters ---------- nb_tot: int Maximum value logger: function Function that takes a `str` and prints it. interval: float Logging frequency as fraction of one. For example, 0.1 logs every tenth value. See also -------- and """ def __init__(self, nb_tot, logger=print, interval=0.1): if nb_tot <= 0: raise ValueError('Total value must be greater than zero!') self.nb_tot = nb_tot self.logger = logger self.interval = interval self._value = 0 self._nb_interval = 0 def update(self, amount): tricker = self._value == 0 amount = min(amount, self.nb_tot - self._value) self._value += amount self._nb_interval += amount tricker |= self._nb_interval >= int(self.nb_tot * self.interval) tricker |= self._value >= self.nb_tot if tricker: nb_digit = int(np.floor(np.log10(self.nb_tot))) + 1 msg = '{value:{nb_digit}d}/{nb_tot:d} ({per:3.1f}%)' msg = msg.format(value=self._value, nb_digit=nb_digit, nb_tot=self.nb_tot, per=self._value / self.nb_tot * 100) self.logger(msg) self._nb_interval = 0 def close(self): if self._value < self.nb_tot: self.update(self.nb_tot)